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  • Letting Go of the Past: The Path to True Freedom

    Learn to Let Go of the Past and Move Forward on a Path with Purpose   Hello and welcome to another step on a Path with Purpose. This week, our focus is essential to personal growth: Letting Go of the past to gain true independence!   The truth is, it is very hard to move forward on your path or climb up the mountain when you’re carrying a whole bunch of boulders with you. Letting go of the past is just as important as focusing on a bright future. I know sometimes it’s hard to believe but your future can be much different, much better than your past.   Understanding how to release the programs created by past grievances and resentments can liberate you from the chains that hold you back, enabling you to move forward with clarity and purpose. Holding on to negativity from your past is never healthy.   I love the good memories, but holding on to grievances can be like trying to climb a mountain while carrying a backpack full of stones. Every failure, grudge, resentment, or unhealed hurt becomes another stone, and each negative thought makes it harder and harder for you to reach the top of the mountain. Which becomes yet another stone…   The Importance of Letting Go   Letting go of the past hurts and failures, isn’t about condoning past wrongs; it’s about freeing yourself from the emotional baggage that hinders your growth. We carry resentment like a chip on our shoulder and it only hurts us. The resentment program holds all grievances, grudges, offenses, and resentments activated throughout our lifetime.   These unresolved emotions are stored in the subconscious and can be triggered by various conflicts, leading to a cycle of anger, regret, and self-sabotage. This program began developing in childhood, influencing our behaviors and reactions. Understanding and releasing these stored grievances is crucial for personal freedom.               Real Life Example:   I have been divorced for about 30 years. I realized about a year ago that every time I see a big chunk of onion in meatloaf, I remember him pushing his plate away from him and saying “What is this? Onion loaf?”   It made me feel like a failure because I disappointed him. I tried and failed. He could have been grateful and wasn’t. That story is a boulder in my backpack that I didn’t need to carry. He liked onions, but he wanted me to use a cheese grater so they would be super fine. Many times I did. Obviously, that day I didn’t. Regardless, I don’t need to think about him every time I see a big chunk of onion. It’s been 30 years!   The Power of Forgiveness Forgiveness is not about excusing the actions of others. Instead, it’s a rational process of freeing yourself from the burden of past grievances. Here are the ten aspects of forgiveness that can help you on this journey:   Forgiveness Does Not Mean Condoning:  Releasing anger and grudges does not mean you condone the actions that caused them. Forgiveness is Rational:  Carrying past grievances into the present is like trying to move forward with a 300lb backpack. Impossible if you want to live in peace. Forgiveness is About You:  Your growth and wellbeing should be your top priority. Forgiveness Weakens the Ego:  Releasing the Resentment Program weakens the ego’s hold on your life. Forgiveness Releases the Identity:  It helps you let go of past failures and missteps. Forgiveness Changes Your State:  It transforms your energy and vibration, leading to a more positive reality. Forgiveness Releases All Grudges:  Letting go of all grudges, even those tied to historical events or public figures, is essential. Forgiveness is the First Step to Freedom:  It moves you from a reactive state to a responsive state. Forgiveness is Surrendering:  Letting go and surrendering to higher energies like acceptance and reason. Forgiveness Connects You to Your Purpose:  It aligns you with your true purpose and higher self.    The Let Go Technique   The Let Go Technique is a powerful tool to release past grievances and gain independence. It is a game changer if you can remember to do it. Awareness is always the key because first you have to realize what you’re thinking. You have to notice that you’re not paying attention to this very moment. You have to acknowledge that your mind is moving towards stories of the past or what might happen in the future. But you can do it if you put your mind to it. That ego is tricky so you have to learn to think from your heart. That’s where your true self lives.   Letting Go of the Past Starts with Awareness   When you have the same memory playing over and over in your mind, and it’s not something that serves you, it is time to Let Go! The stories of the past are programs that do not serve you. They have nothing to do with your current reality, and only makes life harder.   Using my example of the onions: When I had this memory, it flooded me with emotion. The emotion was that I failed. That I wasn’t good enough. It made me think that my one job was to be a good wife, and I couldn’t cut the mustard.   But when you get rid of all the junk that you carry, and start to set down the stones, you make room for good things.   I’m not a failure because I didn’t chop the onions small enough. I like seeing the onion. END OF STORY. Better yet - No story at all!   I didn’t need to carry that stone any longer, so I let it go using the Let Go Technique.   A Step by Step Guide to the Let Go Technique Notice the negative stories that repeatedly run through your head. They happen all the time, and sometimes you won't even realize you are in one! In time, you will learn to catch yourself when you tell you why you can't try this new thing you want, or that you arent smart enough to have a position you know could perform well in. Those are the programs that we need to release, and next time you catch yourself in a loop, ask yourself these four simple questions: Can I Allow This Feeling? Begin by acknowledging your emotions without judgment. Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up, knowing that it’s okay to feel this way. The answer should always be yes… Can I allow this feeling? YES- you are allowed to feel any way you choose! Could I Let This Go? Explore the possibility of releasing the emotion. Consider if you could be flexible and neutral about it. (Could I see this differently?) Most of the time we can let it go if we want to. Would I Let This Go? Assess your willingness to release the emotion. Decide if you are ready to re-identify what you feel and choose forgiveness - or release of some kind. For me this question is all about the willingness. Do I want to stay upset for some reason? Am I getting some fulfillment out of being mad at another person or feeling bad about a situation? Or am I willing to just release that emotion for once and for all? When Will I Let This Go? Answer "NOW!" if you can. It’s important to acknowledge that you are no longer connected to that program. Split the “I” and become the observer, rather than experiencing the emotion. Detaching from the emotion and letting it pass through enables you to release the emotion entirely.   Write these questions out on index cards and post-it notes, and put them anywhere you are on a regular basis. If you're using the Let Go Technique right, you’ll be doing it all day long, especially at first. So many of my programs, like the onions, were very deep seeded. What’s worse is they were like weeds! I would let them go, but the second I looked away, they came back. After a few weeks of using the Let Go Technique, I added a physical aspect to help set it in place.   As I answered "NOW!" I would blow away of this story like you would blow a kiss. Then I would just physically picture this gray matter flying off into the universe. It is no longer mine to carry. That worked for me, maybe the added touch will work for you too.  Practical Daily Practices for Maintaining Independence from the Programs Setting the Day   Start your day with intention, setting your nervous system in the Green Zone. This prevents the ego from locking you into a negative state. Of course, I am going to recommend my favorite way to start the day, The Purpose Power Hour!   Closing the Day   An evening routine is also important. Here are a few ideas for closing the day:   Keep a gratitude journal next to your bed. Write down at least three things that you are grateful for every single night. I make it a challenge by not repeating the same things over and over. A hot bath is an excellent way to end the day. Try lavender essential oil and Epsom salt. Meditating at night can help close the day with stillness. Sit in a quiet place with your eyes closed and picture your life with all your wishes fulfilled. Allow yourself to feel the emotion and the joy in your heart.   Evening Journal   Lots of us live stressful lives and we need our bedtime to be as rejuvenating as possible. Keep a journal of daily grievances and practice the Let Go Technique if necessary. This helps ensure the resentment program doesn’t restructure itself.   I know this may sound a little bit weird because we’re supposed to forgive and forget and here, I’m asking you to think about it and write it down. But that is so you won’t hold on to it. If you think back on the day and you remember something that really ticked you off, or something that somebody said that wasn’t very nice, recall it intentionally. Get it out of your mind; get it out of your heart and get it onto the paper. Now you can go to bed with a clean slate. This will allow you to process the event and let it go instead of holding on to it and creating a bigger and bigger story as time goes on.   Letting Go of the Past is Possible on a Path with Purpose   Gaining independence by letting go of the past is a transformative process that requires consistent effort and self-compassion. As you work on the process of letting go you will realize that there are many things that you’ve been holding on to that you hadn’t thought of before. I have had countless times that the forgiveness that I’m seeking is forgiveness for myself. Forgoveness for my shortcomings, for things that I did wrong, or things that I could have done differently. Forgiving yourself is very important. Never forget it! By practicing forgiveness and the Let Go Technique, you can free yourself from the emotional burdens that hold you back, allowing you to live a life aligned with your true purpose. Remember, this journey is about you and your growth. Embrace the process, and watch as you transform into the person you were always meant to be.   If you know someone who could benefit from this message, please share it with them!   U ntil next time, Live Every Day On Purpose 🩵 - Peggy

  • Maintaining Momentum on A Path with Purpose

    "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." Confucius How to Stay Motivated on A Path with Purpose I don’t think we talk about this enough, so I decided to focus on it this week. Maintaining momentum is an essential part of personal growth and necessary for achieving our goals. It’s a crucial aspect that we often overlook, but without it, our journey can become stagnant and unfulfilling. Whether you're striving for professional success, personal fulfillment, or both, keeping your momentum can – and will be challenging. Not every day is going to go the way we intended. Our plans don't always work out as designed, and some days we're going to feel discouraged. But understanding and implementing strategies to sustain momentum can make all the difference in the world. What is Momentum? Momentum, as it relates to personal growth and living on purpose, refers to the continuous progress and energy that propels us forward. It's the state of being consistently motivated and taking actions that align with our goals. Momentum prevents stagnation and helps us navigate challenges with strength, courage, and determination. When we maintain momentum, we build upon each success, no matter how small. This creates a compounding effect that accelerates our growth and progress – like taking one step at a time to eventually cover a mile. What Happens When I Lose Momentum? Without momentum, we often fall into patterns of procrastination, self-doubt, and regression. Self-doubt and fear lead to stagnation, and even self-sabotage. These types of things stop us in our tracks and feel like the opposite of momentum. I am a goal setter, a thinker, a planner and a doer. Naturally I have had many obstacles in my way. I do my best to catch my egos way of keeping me in the comfort zone, which is to freeze. My pendulum swing is stagnation, so when I lose momentum and end up in the red zone, I can end up doing nothing if I’m not careful.  If I don't know what to do next, I come to a halt. I could sit there and wait for another day. Wait for another plan. Another idea… Anything that will let me just sit there. I know me.  If I don't know what to do, I tend to do nothing. It’s fear; it’s stagnation. But, I am able to see it.  And, identifying our behaviors can work to our advantage.  Recognizing and understanding the importance of momentum allows us to implement strategies to sustain it. For me reminding myself to do “just one thing” has helped. I have learned to remind myself that even though I have the big picture in my mind, and something didn't go right today, there is still one thing that I can do to move forward. How To Maintain Momentum with The Purpose Power Hour Having a map is essential on A Path with Purpose. The Purpose Power Hour is a way to map each days actions, and the destination is our goals. Setting the day with intention allows you to consciously choose how you want to approach your day. Rather than unconciously allowing external circumstances to constantly knock you off track, you can become aware of the things that are keeping you from achieving your goals. By practicing the Purpose Power Hour, you start your day in the Green Zone, which is characterized by calm, clarity, and proactive behavior, rather than the Red Zone staete of stress and reactivity. By dedicating just one hour each day to these exercises, you create a solid foundation for maintaining momentum. The Purpose Power Hour ensures that you're consistently working on you and your goals, setting you up for unimaginable success. The 5 Types of Resistance There are struggles on A Path with Purpose, and one of the biggest obstacles to maintaining momentum is resistance. Resistance can manifest in many ways, including physical discomfort, emotional imbalance, anxiety, making excuses, and spiritual struggles. Recognizing and overcoming resistance is essential for maintaining momentum. There are five types of resistance: Physical Resistance: Care for your body without giving in to the urge to quit. Emotional Resistance: Address feelings of doubt and fear with self-   compassion and positive affirmations. Social Resistance: Stay true to your path despite external influences. Intellectual Resistance: Challenge procrastination and avoidance with logic. Spiritual Resistance: Remind yourself of your "why" to stay motivated. Fortunately, there are many strategies for overcoming resistance, but the following tips are the best if you want to manage your ego, and live every day on purpose: Practice mindfulness to become aware of negative thoughts and patterns. Mindfulness can include prayer, meditation, and reflection. Use the Let Go Technique to acknowledge, allow, release, and accept what you cannot change. Resistance is going to happen. Be prepared when it does by remembering the 5 Types of resistance Name the Ego - The negative voice in your head isn’t you, and you can choose what you think. Separate yourself from the negative voice in your head. Remember it's the ego that wants to get you stuck. It's your true self that wants to keep you motivated. Learn to listen to your true self! Closing the day with reflection and gratitude. Put a special journal by your favorite chair, or perhaps your bedside and close your day before you drift off to sleep at night. Review your accomplishments and identify areas for improvement. Acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest achievements. Use your journal to document your reflections and victories. Write out several things that you are grateful for. The more the merrier! You Can Maintain Momentum on Your Path with Purpose Your environment plays a huge role in maintaining momentum. Do your best to surround yourself with positive influences and create a workspace that minimizes distractions and promotes imagination and productivity. Build relationships with people who support you and encourage your goals. Maintain a healthy lifestyle focusing on nutrition, exercise, and self-care. Flexibility and adaptability are key to maintaining momentum, especially when faced with setbacks. Life is unpredictable, and the ability to adjust your plans and goals without losing sight of your purpose is crucial for long-term success. Keep your “why” in front of you. It’s the driving force that keeps you going. Remind yourself regularly of why you started and why it’s important to keep moving forward. I hope this helps, you really can sustain your momentum and achieve your goals. Remember to start your day with the Purpose Power Hour, set your day with intention, recognize and overcome resistance, reflect on your progress, build a supportive environment, and stay flexible and adaptable. Maintaining momentum is a continuous process that requires dedication and self-awareness, but it leads to long-term growth and fulfillment. God bless you and remember, Live every day on purpose. 🩵 Peggy with Purpose

  • The Challenge of Change

    Why do we resist changing our habits and behaviors, even when we really want to change? "Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong." Mandy Hale Believe it or not, simply understanding why change is difficult has made changing much easier for me. We can't help resisting change. We are all 'hardwired' for behavior based on subconscious programming developed in childhood. Can you believe that 95% of your behavior is controlled by your subconcious? And what shapes our subconcious? Past programming that was impressed upon you in childhood. This programming is fiercely protected by your Comfort Zone, which hates discomfort, and resists change at all costs. You know the voice in your head that says "You can't do this?" That's the ego, and your ego wants you to stay in the comfort zone. But if we're being honest, that comfort zone really isn't all that comfortable! How to Create Lasting Change In this blog, I will explain how A Path With Purpose offers a structured process for overcoming these challenges and making lasting change possible. By shifting our habitual state through a series of steps, you can reprogram your subconscious mind, develop new skills, and ultimately, create the life you desire. It's possible to replace the old programming that was given to us as children into programming that we choose for ourselves. It is possible to create a life you are actually comfortable in. A Path With Purpose has six steps. Each step is vital, and was designed to help you reprogram your subconcious, allowing you to step into the life you desire. The Challenge of Change Let’s stat by giving ourselves a break. Go easy on you! We were programmed to think the way we were told to think, and behave the way we were told to behave. From the time we were born, our experiences, environments, and teachings began shaping our subconscious programming. Honestly, even a welcome change can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. These deeply ingrained patterns influence our behaviors and responses, creating a Comfort Zone that, while familiar, resists change and often hinders our growth. When we attempt to step outside this zone, we encounter internal resistance. This resistance can appear as physical discomfort, emotional unease, social pressure to conform, intellectual excuses, or even spiritual struggles. For instance, consider trying to adopt a new exercise routine. Initially, you may feel enthusiastic, but soon, the physical discomfort of sore muscles, the emotional resistance to change, and the social pressure to stick to your old habits can make it challenging to maintain the new behavior. Despite knowing the benefits of regular exercise, these barriers can cause you to revert to old, familiar patterns. Solution: Shifting the Habitual State on A Path With Purpose A Path With Purpose To overcome the challenge of change, A Path With Purpose outlines a process for shifting your habitual state. This process involves a series of steps designed to manage physiological stress, expand the comfort zone, and reprogram the subconscious mind. Step One:  Diet and Exercise Managing your physiological stress response through diet is crucial for creating a foundation for change. The foods we consume directly impact our physical health, energy levels, and stress management. By making conscious dietary choices, we can support our body’s ability to handle stress and facilitate change. Focus on whole, nutritious foods that nourish your body. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet. Avoid excessive sugar, caffeine, and processed foods that can exacerbate stress and hinder your progress. Physical activity plays a significant role in gradually expanding your Comfort Zone. Exercise not only strengthens your body but also boosts your mental resilience and emotional well-being. By engaging in regular physical activity, you push your boundaries, making it easier to embrace new habits and behaviors. Start Small or Risk Falling Back Into Undesired Habits Start with small, manageable exercises that fit into your current routine. Gradually increase the intensity and duration as you become more comfortable. Activities such as walking, yoga, and light strength training are excellent starting points. The key is to find exercises you enjoy, making it more likely you'll stick with them. Combining these two steps creates a solid foundation for change. By nourishing your body with the right foods and incorporating regular physical activity, you manage stress more effectively and build the resilience needed to expand your Comfort Zone. The body will always support the mind. Step Two: Naming the Ego/Becoming Aware The Ego is the voice in your head that reinforces negative beliefs and self-doubt, keeping you stuck in old patterns. Recognizing the Ego is a critical step in overcoming old programming. Decide to become more aware of your thoughts. When you notice negative self-talk or resistance, acknowledge it as the Ego. Give the voice a name. Calling the ego out by name has made it much easier for me to realize I am separate from that voice. I named my ego Lucy, and when I see her spouting off, I am aware that I am not my ego. This will create awareness and makes it possible to gently remind yourself that these thoughts are not the truth but merely old programming. Step Three: Let Go Technique/Conflict Resolution The Let Go Technique involves a four-part process: acknowledging, allowing, releasing, and accepting. This technique helps you actively release old programming and emotional attachments, making way for new behaviors. When you encounter resistance or emotional discomfort, take a moment to acknowledge it. Allow yourself to feel the emotion without judgment. Then, consciously release it by visualizing it leaving your body. Finally, accept the new space you have created for positive change. I'm going to be honest and tell you it doesn't always work the first time; it may not even work the second time. But don't give up, it really works! Step Four: The Purpose Power Hour (PPH) Start your day on purpose with the Purpose Power Hour. This routine helps reprogram your subconscious mind by beginning your day intentionally, and aligning your thoughts and actions with what you truly desire. Gone are the days of waking up late, rushing around putting out fires, and then wondering where the day went. To ensure you live every day on purpose, commit to 10 minutes of each of the following exercises, as close to waking up as possible: Reading Journaling Affirmations Visualizations Meditation Making this a priority each morning will change your life. This dedicated time helps build new skills and reinforce positive behaviors. Tip: Preplan for these activities! Making a change can be difficult! (That's why you're reading this blog, right? 😉) Without proper planning, skipping your PPH will just be another thing that your ego will hold against you. Step Five: Meditation/Strengthening Concentration Meditation builds mental strength and awareness, allowing you to stay focused and present. This practice enhances your ability to manage stress and maintain a positive mindset. It is part of the PATH - Purposeful Actions Toward Harmony. Begin with a few minutes of meditation each day, as part of your PPH above, and gradually increase the duration. Focus on your breath, and gently bring your attention back when your mind wanders. Consistency is key to reaping the benefits of meditation. Step Six: Presence on Purpose Achieving a state of conscious control and awareness allows you to live in the present moment. This mindfulness helps you stay grounded and reduces the power of the Ego over your actions. Tip: Throughout your day, practice bringing your attention to the present moment. Use cues, such as taking a deep breath or noticing your surroundings, to anchor yourself in the present moment. This practice helps you respond to situations with awareness rather than react out of old programming. You Are Capable of Creating New Habits Changing habits and behaviors is a challenging but achievable goal. By following the steps outlined in A Path With Purpose, you can reprogram your subconscious mind, develop new skills, and shift your habitual state. Managing your diet and incorporating regular exercise provide a strong foundation for change, while mindfulness, meditation, and the Let Go Technique help you overcome resistance and embrace new behaviors. Remember, the journey to lasting change requires consistency and dedication. Start today by taking small, intentional steps, and watch what happens! Embrace the process of shifting your habitual state and discover the fulfillment that comes with it. Until next time, live every day on purpose 🩵 - Peggy

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  • Peggy Romero | Author, Speaker, Podcaster, & Life Coach

    LET'S GET STARTED peggy with purpose hello, i am are you ready to meet the best you? are you struggling to identify your purpose? are you willing to do the work it takes to grow? if you answered yes, you’ve come to the right place! welcome! It is my heart's desire to help guide you on your Path to Purpose.⁠ about I am Peggy Romero, and I have worn many hats in my day. A young mother, an entrepreneur, and now: Peggy with Purpose : Life coach and author. I have had my fair share of failures and victories, leaving me well versed in life's many challenges. Let’s face it: life isn’t always easy. But because of these struggles, I've been given a wealth of practical knowledge that I am ready to share with you.⁠ It is time to free yourself of the guilt and pain. You can write the next chapter in the book of your life. If you are ready, I can help you get there! By sharing life experiences, tips on how to quiet your inner critic, and techniques to overcome stress, I will help you find your footing on The Path to Purpose. So join me, Peggy with Purpose, as we create a more vibrant, fulfilling life and learn to live every day on purpose. 🩵 learn more The start of your journey on The Path to Purpose begins now! By understanding your purpose and values, you will feel the connection to your heart, your imagination, your ability to be the best possible you! lear n how to live every day on purpose

  • podcast | Peggy with Purpose


  • purpose | Peggy with Purpose

    live everyday on purpose LET'S GET STARTED purpose is . . . the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. It is important to understand that our purpose is discovered, not set. When we attempt to set purpose to achieve a goal, we are often left empty. Think back at the last time you set a goal and achieved it. How did you feel? I have felt joy for the moment, but it is usually followed by emptiness. I have been left asking myself, “now what?” The reason this happens is that true purpose is something that each of us has been born with. When we serve our purpose and accomplish a goal, we activate our joy and fulfillment. Once you know your purpose, it is easier to make choices about your life. It will become easier to understand why you do the things you do, and why you step away from the things you step away from. Knowing your purpose will help you understand just how important it is to trust your gut, that intuition, that knowing is reliable. Trust yourself. Your purpose is connected to your heart. It is engrained in your soul. You were created for a purpose. Connect to it, and live the life you've always dreamed of. schedule the purpose exercise the ten purpose archetypes Connection Courage Freedom Growth Inspire Integrity Joy Love Peace Vitality stress mastery connection purpose Individuals with a connection purpose are all about connection to others, connecting others and connecting clarity of ideas & vision. They are trustworthy, friendly, understanding and inviting. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CONNECTION PURPOSE stress mastery courage purpose Individuals with a courage purpose aim to expand strength. They have an uncommon vitality and resistance that they use to fight for power or honor. They aim to protect, entertain and never give up. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE COURAGE PURPOSE stress mastery growth purpose Individuals with a growth purpose go against the grain and think for themselves. They aim to expand any culture they reside in with their ability to imagine all possibilities. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE GROWTH PURPOSE stress mastery inspire purpose Individuals with an inspire purpose aim to expand vision. They have a profound desire for freedom because they love innovation and transforming things in order to create something entirely new. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE INSPIRE PURPOSE stress mastery integrity purpose Individuals with an integrity purpose defend ethics, rules, culture and step forward on behalf and protect their people. They aim to expand action and work for the betterment and safety of others. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE INTEGRITY PURPOSE stress mastery joy purpose Individuals with a joy purpose are enthusiastic motivators and help others to see the bright side of things. They aim to expand happiness and are excellent workers, friends and partners. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE JOY PURPOSE stress mastery love purpose Individuals with a love purpose aim to expand unconditional love. They feel the need to protect, heal and nurture those around them. They are caring, loving and easily connected to others. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE LOVE PURPOSE stress mastery peace purpose Individuals with a peace purpose have a thirst for higher teachings and knowledge. They aim to expand truth and create reconciliation and union. They are optimistic and imaginative. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PEACE PURPOSE stress mastery vitality purpose Individuals with a vitality purpose are great innovators of people. They have the ability to turn negative events into positive ones and raise the consciousness and energy of others. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE VITALITY PURPOSE stress mastery freedom purpose Individuals with a freedom purpose are classic leaders. They are stable, strive for excellence and want everyone to follow their lead. They aim to expand possibilities and enjoy being around people. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE FREEDOM PURPOSE created by Bill Cortright

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