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- Finance
It is important to create momentum. So let's get started! There is no time to waste. I work my goals in all 5 life categories: Career Finance Health Relationships Personal Development Our finances are so important. It determines if the other aspects of life are affordable or not. And with that being said, it is very important to make your money work for you. Let’s talk about the importance of financial goals... I've also been helping people with their goals for years. I see so many people living paycheck to paycheck it's scary. There are so many people are carrying so much debt and barely making ends meet. I talk to people who are out getting loans when they can barely afford to pay the bills they already have. Or they decide to go out and buy new cars when they can scarcely afford the payment. I see them making a decision to get another bill consolidation loan for their credit cards; only to go back out and charge up more debt and wind up back in the same position, only worse. Well, I just turned 60 this year and naturally I’m thinking about retirement, and you should be too. Because no matter what your current age is, retirement is on your path. Even if you are only in your 20’s 30’s or 40’s it is coming and it matters. And so does getting out of debt because living a debt free life is heavenly. Making your way out of debt, I believe, is the most peaceful way to live. This can help you face retirement without fear. Learning to live within your means, which is not charging anything, is so important for your finances. Not paying interest feels fantastic. We are like monkeys; monkey see monkey do… We see too many ads that push us into mimetic desire. We want to keep up with the Jones’s. We go out buying things that we don't need, with money we don’t have, in order to impress people we may not even like. Yes, this happens to all of us. We are crazy! But taking charge of that. Planning on purpose, setting financial goals, will change your life. It can make your marriage happier and less stressful, and it can change the lives of your children and grandchildren. Lead by example. You have this one life to leave a legacy. We can leave things better than we found them. Chances are you aren’t going to win the lottery or inherit a million dollars from your great aunt. In order to change your finances, you are going to have to be responsible for it. Nobody can do this for you. Become purposeful with your finances. It is time to take finance and money off your wish list and turn it into reality. And you can start today. Make a list of what you want. For me, what does my retirement look like? When it comes to finance just like anything thing else – dream big! What do you want? And I mean really want. I’m not talking about the wishful dreams that are here today and gone tomorrow. Dig deep to answer this question. I am asking you to conjure up the desires of your heart, because those are the dreams you can really connect to. Remember when it comes to wishing and dreaming it is serious business. Flush out the wants, every one of them. The next step is to find the ‘why’ behind each of the wants. It can’t be connected to another person. It has to be more than just a wish. It must be for you, and it must be connected to your purpose. If the goal isn’t connected to your purpose, it doesn’t make the cut. It will need to be real, like a deep heartfelt desire. Now you can create the intention connected to the reason behind it. Then you take that intention to turn it into a goal. Now you create a plan, a dream without a plan is still really just a wish. Goals without a plan is nothing more than just a want. I think we can we all agree that a real dream deserves a real plan. When it comes to finance, we make choices and decisions all the time. We are going to have to change our behaviors. How bad do we want it? So we're taught as kids to go to school and do well. Go to college and get a good job. Then you can be promoted and make more money. It used to be if you were loyal, stayed 20 or 30 years, that retirement would be taken care of for you. That’s not true anymore. We have to be more disciplined these days. We have to save for ourselves. The truth is, most of us were never taught how to do it. Just going to work is not going to lead us to a happy and healthy retirement. Heck we can’t even count on Social Security system we pay into. We will have to be diligent saving for ourselves. We must be serious when we are setting goals. We have to do this correctly if we are going to stay inspired over time, because things don’t always go exactly as planned. They never do! But if we have set our intention and know our why, then we will have volition to keep the dream alive by working the plan. We have to have a clear focus and a vision of the life we truly desire. We will have to live in neutrality and be flexible. Because unless money starts growing on trees, even when we have a solid plan, we will have to adapt to the changes that will surely come. I love check lists and habits; they help me stay the course. You will have to find what works for you. I will tell you, if you aren’t working it, you are probably still just wishing for it. Think seriously about what you want. What is it that will give your life purpose? What is it that will allow you to wake up each day with a broad smile on your face? Got it? Do you feel it in your heart? I love to feel my heart’s desire until I overflow. I can smile and feel warmth just thinking about it. Oh how I love that! I love the feel of the connection through and through. I love the fact that right now I don’t have to run the rat race every day. Yes, I could make more money if I did. Instead, I choose to live within my means and do what I want. I choose to help people. I know that is what God has planned for me. All I have gone through has led to this. Oh my gosh, a dream come true. But remember I have worked years for this day. It took decades of saving and not spending everything I made. I dreamed of a life like this. And I know - you have a dream too, right? So what is your dream? What makes you smile just connecting to the idea of having that dream come true? 😊 Now, you must ask yourself what you are willing to give up for that dream come true? What are you willing to do for it? The truth is, if you don’t already have it, there’s got to be an exchange-There’s going to be a sacrifice. If nothing changes, nothing changes. I remember years ago my friend and I used to walk early every morning at 5am. I had to get back to get the kids up for school and get ready for work. Well over time we walked for about an hour first and then created a habit of stopping and getting a coffee at a coffee shop. I loved that time together where we could walk and talk. But then one day I realized I was spending over $100 on coffee per month. I was a single parent. Knowing all the things I could do with $100 made me realize I didn't want the coffee that bad, so I gave it up. I started making a pot of coffee at my house and she would come over after our walk and sit on my porch and drink coffee with me while the kids got ready for school. I missed that hazelnut coffee I used to get; it was so delicious. It much better than the coffee that I made at home but that was the exchange. I still remember back then my kids were young I always said I didn’t have any money to budget and save. I think that coffee trade may have been the kickstart I needed. I actually started saving that 100 dollars intentionally. I put in a separate bank account and didn’t touch it. I can tell you that, that and 100 other little decisions like it, has made it possible for me to not have to go to work every day these days. Because of the little exchanges, I can spend my focus on the things that I want to do in my life. No, I'm not retired, I just don't go to work every day, someplace else- for someone else. I choose my work. I choose what I want to do. It is absolutely amazing I love it! I am setting up my life the way I want it. Yes, I could work, I could make money right now. But I want to plan retreats for you guys. I have so much to share with you. I have experienced so much in this life. I know I can help people. I have big hopes and dreams and goals. And I want that for you too because it's a wonderful life. Many people just go to work every day, day after day unhappy stuck in the daily grind. It’s like living groundhogs’ day over and over again. And, like I said before barely making ends meet! It is time to live on purpose. Set purposeful goals that align with your true self. Make a plan that will get you to the desired results. Start small and let those good choices become habits. Are you ready to start setting goals with intention?
- Outcome vs. Identity Based Goals
Let's talk outcome based goals versus identity based goals. I will admit that it does take longer to solidify your identity based goals. BUT it is so worth it on many levels. For one thing you are making your goals and the decisions for your life based on what you truly desire in your heart. Based on what your purpose in life is. I see them as easier to stick to. Because it's you. I believe it's so much easier to fail with an outcome based goal. If things don't go exactly right. Let's say my goal is to lose 25 pounds. And it's based on outcome based goals process. My plan is to lose 2 pounds a week. I stick to my diet and exercise program. But the scale doesn't move, and I didn't lose 2 pounds this week. And I don't lose 2 pounds next week either. Then does that mean “Oh well I failed. I might as well throw in the towel and go eat the cookies.” I don't believe we need goals that are outcome based as much as we need goals that are aligned with our true self. We call these are identity - based goals. This is who we are. If you think about it, identity-based goals will change your life for the rest of your life. If you make a goal to lose weight you lose the weight and then what? You give yourself a high 5 and you say Ta-Daa, and then what? Then you go off the diet and go back to the way that you ate before and you gain back all the weight. You didn't spend time associating with the new identity. The new you the smaller version of yourself. You hit the goal, but you didn't become a thinner person. Now, if you set your goal to change your identity, for example your goal is to live healthy. Your goal is to be in the best shape of your life. That goal never ends. It is ongoing. If your goal is to be a healthy person and live a healthy lifestyle, there's no stopping point. You have recreated your identity; you have rewritten your story; you have self -authored your life. Do you see the difference? Here's an example of what I'm saying: I go to the gym in my community while I'm in Arizona. At the beginning of the season when I get here September or October there's hardly anybody in the gym. Granted a lot of people aren't here yet, we all come trickling in. But as people get here, I will tell you I see the same people over and over. Everybody has their routine. Hey Grant how's it been going haven't seen you since March? Hi Maggie! You look wonderful? Oh Peggy it's great to see you again... Do you see what I'm saying? We know each other from the gym because we were all there last year and the year before. But when January 1st comes and everybody makes their resolution, that gym is packed. I have to figure out what time I'm going to workout so that machines are all available for me. And right now, it's mid-January and the gym is a bit busy still, I am very happy to say. But it is definitely trickling off. I go to the fitness center several times every day. I work out in the morning five days a week. And I also take yoga, Tai chi and some stretching classes. For the past several weeks, no matter what time I go, the machines were pumping. People are lifting weights doing the different circuits. But now the midmorning crowd is already sparse. Maybe these people have already quit. They many have set their plan with a certain expectation, a definite goal in mind. If you were there to get healthy, to live a healthy lifestyle, you wouldn't have been so discouraged. I know that by going there, I'm a healthier person than I would be if I stayed home and sat around or read a book. So even when things aren't going the exact way that I have in mind, the way I want them to, I don’t give up. I am living a healthy life. So if the scale doesn't move when I think that it should, I don't give up, because my goal is to be a healthier person. No matter what the scale says I am a healthier person. I know that for sure. Of course, I am, I am moving. I'm riding my bike several miles a day and building muscle in the gym five days a week. For the longest time I was gaining 5 to 10 pounds a year. Really getting out of control. So for the past few years, I don't gain weight. As a matter of fact every year I weigh a little bit less than the year before. My goal is to change my identity to a fit person. A person who lives a healthy lifestyle. Of course, I’ll continue to lose weight. That automatically comes with the new improved healthy version of me! I hope this has helped you understand the importance of proper goal setting. I pray for success in all you do! Live every day on purpose, Peggy Romero
- Self-Love
Let's talk about establishing balance in your life... We have so many things to take care of, and people counting on us. But we have to remember we have to take care of ourselves too, in fact we have to take care of ourselves first! I can't remember how old I was when I realized if I didn't take care of myself, that nobody else was going to either. They can't! Nobody can take care of you like you can. We have to rely on ourselves, we have to be #1 If you're not healthy how will you take care of your spouse? How will you take care of your children? If you're not well, how will you go to work or take care of your home? How can you be a good sibling, child or friend? Our lives are full, and we have to manage each of our life categories every day: career, finance, health, relationships, and physical and spiritual development. It's all about balance. If you spend all your time at work and making money, your career and finance may be in good shape. What good does money in the bank, a nice car and a nice house matter if you're unhealthy? You may neglect your relationships to the point that you have no one to share it with. Perhaps you've neglected your relationship with God and with yourself. When was the last time you spent time thinking about what's important to you and what you really want out of life? It matters! It's all about balance. If you spend all your time working out and taking care of your kids then your health and your relationship with your kids might be good but what about the relationship to your spouse? What about your personal development? What about that class that you always wanted to take, or the hobby that you plan to start? What about your rising credit card debt, because you're charging everything trying to keep the kids happy? It isn’t good for us. It's all about balance. Loving yourself is nurturing all parts of your life. Loving yourself means caring for yourself. Loving yourself means being honest with yourself. We spend so much time trying to make others happy that sometimes we actually neglect ourselves. Please don't fall into that trap. If you have already, make your way out. Today is a perfect day to start living in balance. Spend some time setting your goals. I am not talking about goals of what to buy and where to go, but also who you want to become. Who are you really? What do YOU want, for you? What does the best version of you look like? Where do you live? What do you wear? Who are you with? Let your heart, you true self make the goals. Then make your decisions based on that. Now you can ask yourself, does this bring me closer to my goal or further away? So now, when you're getting ready to do something, if it aligns with your purpose, aligns with your true self, and it’s in alignment with your goals, then go for it. If not, then readjust the plan until it fits in with the new identity. I know this may be very uncomfortable at first. It may help to journal it out. Put your feels out on paper. Keep it where no one will see it so you can free to let it all out! It is important to remember your why. Why do you want a better job or a certain amount of money in the bank? Why do you want a bigger house? Why do you want to take that trip to Europe? Make sure these goals align with your true self. Identity based goals for the real you. Be true to yourself. Love you! Loving yourself is making sure that the things you're working for are the things that you really want in life. How will you know if you don't make a commitment to setting the proper goals? You can find the higher goal setting process right here on this site. It takes time it takes soul searching; you’ve got to spill your guts to yourself. You are worth it. And yes, it takes time to do the process correctly. But the time will go by, no matter how you spend it. So, why not take the time and spend it on something life changing? I highly suggest, before the goal setting, you do the purpose exercise. It is right here on my site as well. If you do it electronically and send it to me I will get it back to you within a day or two and then as you work on your goals you can make sure that they align to your purpose. We are always focused on outcome-based goals. So this will be different for you. Take your time and do each step. I use Bill Cortright’s Higher goal Setting process and this is identity-based goal setting. This goal setting process can really change your life. Please see my post on Outcome vs Identity Based Goals so you can see the difference. Live every day on purpose, Peggy Romero
- Self-Love & Healing
It's almost February, Valentine's Day, and the month we think about the heart... Isn't it time you healed your broken heart? Wouldn't you love to get rid of all those things that hold you back in life? ... the strife, the struggle, the betrayals, the failures and the pain. There are so many kinds of pain and just as many ways to heal the pain. Of course, there are the popular natural healing methods: acupuncture, aromatherapy, naturopathy, reiki, meditation, massage, therapy, homeopathy, hypnotherapy and more. Then there is traditional therapy: working with a counselor, AA, NA and the like. But can I tell you that working the 7 Steps of Stress Mastery actually healed me? I had lived with a broken heart for decades, but not anymore. I was a victim, living in the " I can't " for decades, but not anymore. I learned to release the programs that were holding me back in life. I have literally learned to let go of the things that hurt me. I now no longer carry the scars of my past. It's as if I dropped them at the base of a mountain like a ton of bricks and started my journey free. We are free to live the life we choose. It is a gift; but it is up to us, each one of us, individually, to accept the gift. I am not exaggerating when I say as soon as I started working the steps of stress mastery, I began feeling better emotionally. I started feeling better, healing physically. I started looking better, my body felt better. I had been taking cholesterol medication and blood pressure medication. I was off of both of them within a few months. Naturally, at first it was uncomfortable to put myself first. After all, that is no the 'norm'. Especially for women. We are usually taught that putting yourself first is selfish. But it is not selfish. Self-care is necessary. You are important, and I ask you now to make time for you. Just like they tell you on the airplane, you have to put on your own oxygen mask before you can help the person beside you. I hope you are ready to consider starting life anew, it just takes a few small changes. Visit The website is free for the first 30 days. Take a look around, download the 7 Steps of Stress Mastery, find your purpose and read up on it. In fact, I encourage you to drink in all the information that is available to you. Look under resources and find what interests you. Learn it. study it. It will help you understand yourself and others. Make a commitment to spend a little time on yourself. Maybe give up some screen time? TV time? I am not sure where your 'me time' will come from, but please commit to finding it. This will begin your journey to self-love and healing your broken heart. You truly are the author of the next chapter of your life. You have to decide to go for it. Remember you are worth it. Live every day on purpose, Peggy Romero
- Dealing with Conflict
Where are you at mastering the tools of Stress Mastery and your super power of awareness? What is the worst thing that happened to you and how did you deal with it? What did you do right? What could you have done better? And most importantly, what did you learn? I will share my story with you... The last really bad thing was a “cancer scare” and the surgery that followed. I am surprised I had a third surgery, in as many years. I had never been sick a day in my life until September 2020. So yes, surprised. I am still wondering if I am holding something in my core. I really got thrown off my course again. I must have faith and assume God has His reasons. Naturally, I could sit back and wonder why me? Poor, poor me; Why did this happen to me? That’s what many of us do in a time of fear and it is understandable. But I refused. I know this all happened for my good. God knows who I am, so He had to set the stage for me. My role in it was listening to my heart and being there for Kimberly when she really needed me. The funny thing is, it was routine dental surgery, but she was scared. If she wasn’t so dramatic about me being in Canada, on vacation when she had her wisdom teeth pulled, I wouldn’t have ever gone to the surgeon in the first place. Here’s what happened: I have a few bad scars from the two previous surgeries. I went to a plastic surgeon to get them cleaned up. He ordered a scan on my lower stomach. The funny thing is, they got the top part of my leg and found a very large tumor. Everything happens for a reason, right? If Kimberly didn’t have her teethe out, if I didn’t go to that doctor, if the imaging wouldn’t have happened to show my upper thigh, I would probably still have this mass growing and it would be so much worse than it was. It was already “taking up every nook and cranny in my pelvis” If not removed last summer, it surely would have been touching more organs and blood vessels and entwined in more nerves and muscles etc. Who knows??? Of course I was activated… Fear , fear and more fear. Many kinds of fear. Not sure why this had to happen right when it did. I was cruising through life, in process. I had my book launch and the Rise Up event right around the corner and then BOOM – Instead of the elective surgery I hear” You need to go to an Oncologist” How do you know it’s cancer I asked. “This looks and behaves like cancer. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, It is a duck” Go to a specialist, there is no one who can handle this thing in Iowa. So, I went to Portland. I was sent to two different surgeons, each one before, stated our doctor doesn’t handle this type of tumor. Finally, I ended up with an amazing surgical oncologist who also told me it was going to be tricky to remove. “Let’s just say it is cancer” I want to get it out in one piece , but I am not sure that is possible. Oh my gosh this isn’t good news at all. Scary? Yes, but luckily, I have a few tools up my sleeve. I know how to live in the present moment. Where right NOW, this second, everything is ok I am well able to put the skill of Conflict-Resolution into effect. I practiced meditation and the law of mind. *What you think you create – I created healing I thanked God for healing constantly. I set my intention to heal. I believed myself to be whole, perfect, powerful, and strong. I trusted that I was being led to the right doctor and I was. I laid in bed at night and pictured the tumor shrinking. I watched these golden orbs and rods come down and surround my pelvic area shrinking the tumor. My prayer- God, I thank you for making sure this tumor is not ‘sticky’. Thank you for allowing it to come out in one piece. Thank you, God, for helping it slide right out. OMG what I learned is that I do trust God! I learned that I put my money where my mouth is- so to speak. I walked the walked. Knowing that I trust God with my very life, my soul is very satisfying. – You never know how you will react until the rubber meets the road. It feels like I passed a test. Well done good and faithful servant. There is an extra blessing too! Now I also know that since all that happened “by accident” that God isn’t done with me yet. I have a purpose and I am not done yet. He saved me for a reason. I am not sure what he has in store yet, so I will just keep working away and do my best to listen to His guidance. I think I may have healing powers too. I have been told twice that I am a faith healer. I also have my Reiki certification. Which is the energy of the Holy Spirit. God is so good to me! I have healed myself through my faith. Of course, I have no way to prove that but … 3 doctors did say I had cancer. And I don’t. I AM whole perfect powerful and strong. I AM loving harmonious and happy. I AM healthy and I live in peace. Blessings are chasing me down. Every single day! When the doctor came in the day after surgery she said “It couldn’t have gone any better. I went in this way and that and it just slid right out” Hey! That was my prayer! Remember? Miracle You guys I encourage you to practice these skills. They are so valuable. You’ll have them when you need them, and it makes things feel a whole lot better. Who knows the outcome if I allowed myself to be trapped in fear and sorrow. I had such a positive state of mind, I don’t ever want to find out. Stay connected to your purpose and to God. He is the source of all good things. Have the best new year ever. Live on purpose, Peggy Romero
- Overcoming the Pressure of Change
It will soon be 2023. A shiny new year, and many of us will make resolutions. We must allow ourselves some flexibility and grace if we are going to be successful with the goals we set. Know this going in… you will stumble. Falling is just part of the process of growth. Forgive yourself, get back up and get moving toward the goal. Let it go and move on. Becoming a better version of ourselves takes time, planning and the understanding that you must have flexibility within the plan. We will be starting diets and exercise programs. Reading books or taking courses, perhaps working on organization. Of course, that is a very short list of the common resolutions we make. You will have to be willing change your habits and perhaps your lifestyle if you are going to be successful. But also, be ready to change your new routine until it works best for you. Awareness will help you see the signs of frustration before you get caught up. Remember to be flexible and give yourself grace. If you keep trying to follow a rigid set of rules and prohibitions, you won’t hear your own inner cues and signals. What happens to me is, instead of noticing the signs and adjusting the plan, I immediately start defending myself. I have a long and well-rehearsed list of why I should be able to do what I want, or not do, whatever the conflict is. These feelings come on fast and we tend to react just as quickly. Awareness is always the key. And awareness takes practice to develop. It is important to learn to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. If you are present enough to see them, then you are also present enough to make a choice. Now you can choose to act the way you decide to. You can respond to the conflict instead of reacting. Instead of jumping into reaction, next time, pause just a moment. This will allow you time to respond according to the way you choose to behave. You can ask yourself, how does the new me respond to that conflict? Take a breath. Allow yourself to feel the activation. Notice how you feel physically and emotionally. Stressed? Tired? Slow it down. Allow yourself to feel the emotions. Check in with yourself. Now decide what to do. Am I going to eat the cookie? Nah, I’ll go for a walk instead.
- Holiday Blues
Change your perspective and it will change everything. I realize that the holiday season is tough for many people. Perhaps they are alone or sad or just don’t care to celebrate the season. It was nothing I understood, and I’ve never had anyone explain it to me either. I have worked and lived with people who weren’t really into it but still enjoyed the traditions, parties and gift giving in spite of themselves. By and large for most of the people I’ve known it is full of love, joy, and merriment. That has always been my experience. This year that just wasn’t the case for me; First time ever. I was fully aware that I didn’t have the delightful peace, that lighthearted whimsy, that usually fills my soul. I am usually filled with love and laughter and that had not been the case this season. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a Debbie Downer, I am not depressed, there is nothing wrong. I was just not feeling the joy, the love that naturally fills my spirit and I missed it. For the first time in my life, I am having to try to feel the joy of the season. I have been working my way out of the fog for the past couple weeks. I always want to know why, so I started thinking about the past year. I will share a few things with you that I have had to overcome. But first I want to tell you how important it is to let things go. You don’t have to carry around the past. Why do we hold on to bad stories and relive them over and over again? We carry our past into the present and our subconscious mind actually thinks it’s happening again. This causes us to repeatedly stress our nervous system. For what? Would you believe you can release the programs that hold the stories and never feel that pain again? Believe it or not, I can help you with that. I think it started because I don’t have my Christmas decorations anymore. I got rid of most of them voluntarily, but the others got lost in my move. Last year I ended a long-term relationship and of course I still miss the ‘happily ever after’ I thought that would bring. I got pretty rattled this summer when I found out I had a large mass that the doctors believed was cancer. But you know what? Right now, everything is great. My daughter and I went out shopping together and got lots of new things and put up a beautiful tree and decorated the mantle a garland and lights and stockings. My home looks beautiful. I love the new decorations. When I think about the relationship, yes, I miss him. I miss the companionship. I know he was not the one for me. It took too much effort keeping it together. He was never happy, and I had to compromise way too often. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about compromise, but it needs to be two sided. There must be give and take in a relationship. Like I told him, it was never seemed to be my turn. He would still love to reconcile. It is too late. I stayed for years trying to work it out. When I left, I was at peace. I knew there was nothing more I could do. Today, I have no regrets. I know if I ever went back, I’d be going back for more of the same. I don’t want more of that. And the truth is, I deserve much better than what we had. As for my cancer scare, that is all it was. God got me to the best doctor possible. It was all meant to be, for my good. First of all, the tumor was found accidentally. But it was growing all over my pelvis and it was out of room, it was intertwined in my nerves and muscles and touching important organs. It was only a matter of time, and it would have been impossible to end up with a complete happy ending. Like I said, it was discovered by accident. After that, I was referred from one surgeon to another three more times, before I was referred to Dr Babicky. It was in a dangerous spot. There could have been major complications during and after the procedure; Including death and not being able to walk again. I must tell you even though I can’t prove it, it really was a miracle. When the biopsy came back, the tumor was benign! No cancer. I am just sure that I was saved by grace. I asked God to heal me, I pictured my tumor shrinking and being filled with golden, sparking, healing, energy and I was healed. Everything worked out perfectly. Dr Babicky said it couldn’t have gone any better. So yes, it was miraculous. So tough year for me? Yes, absolutely. But I can look at the bright side in all of it. I am happy, healthy and strong and cancer free. I have a lovely family and friends who cares about me. I refuse to fret over the things I lost in my move. I am free. I am greatly and richly blessed. I just needed to take a breath and take a look at all of this differently. The new perspective makes all the difference in the world. As they say, change your mind and everything changes. I ask you to get out a paper and pen. Start a list; what do you have to be grateful for? Your life, like mine is just as it should be. Things don’t always go the way we expect them to. It’s ok. Sit down and allow yourself to let go of the things that hurt. Make room in your heart for the things that are good and right. We have so many blessings. I hope you will take the time to count them. Changing how you look at things will totally change your life. Please make a choice to be happy. If you are having a hard time feeling contentment, go to and request the purpose exercise from there. Connecting to your purpose can change your life. I am happy to help you live on purpose any way I can. Merry Christmas, Peggy Romero
- Goal Setting
The end of 2022 is drawing near, and we are getting close to starting a new year. Time to set new goals. I’ll be stepping out of my comfort zone and making more bold moves. But I am also prioritizing the little things that make life easier for me. I have both long-term goals and short-term goals. Do you? Have you started the process of goal setting? Take the time to sit and write your goals down. It isn’t effective to just have them in the back of your mind. Having a workable plan will make you much more successful. And, if you are serious about goal setting, then here is my gift to you: a head start with my Higher Goal Setting course. You get to write the next chapter of your life. What do you really want? You get to decide! Becoming the best you is not always easy. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is. If you are going to rewrite the story – step up and step into the life you desire you too, will have to make some bold moves. It is scary, but it is worth it! I promise you. What will you do in 2023 and beyond? How do you see you? I encourage you to sit down and write this out for each of the following life categories: What do you want for your... Career Finance Health Relationships Personal Development And remember not to limit yourself. :) Live on Purpose, Peggy Romero
- The Comfort Zone
The comfort zone keeps us locked into our lives. We live the same way day after day, year after year. Even when we desire change it is often very hard. It is usually easier to stay the same even when we are not truly happy. But to make the changes we want in our lives; we must be willing to go through the pain and discomfort it takes to get out of the cage that keeps us trapped. Remember you will have resistance. You will experience fear. Put one foot in front of the other, take small steps. This will create momentum. If you fall, it’s ok. We all fall, get back up right away. Remember, you can’t fail if you don’t quit. #peggywithpurpose Tune-in to the Stress Mastery Podcast this week as we share more on this topic.
- Resistance
I just published my book and am looking at my next set of goals… Hmmm I have always wanted to do the next best thing… what now? I have always wanted better. Well, Peggy here you are at the bottom, so you can only go up from here. How do you promote your book? What’s your first move? This book could open doors, I am a #1 Best Selling Author. I want to do event and retreats that help people. How am I going to get from here, at the bottom, to being at the top of my game? I always felt like I was starting at the bottom. I guess I still do- How do I get better? How do I make more? How do I show myself as capable or worthy? Growing up in lack and being told to be content and not ask for more was my programming. I was in the valley- We all start in the valley. But each of our valleys are different. So my parents weren’t good with money and I was raised needing more than I had. We didn’t usually get to have a second helping because we ran out. We did get bread and gravy but there wasn’t more meat. We certainly didn’t go hungry. We only had one pair of shoes at a time. Well two, a nice pair of buckle shoes for church, we usually got at a new pair every Easter. We got pair of sneakers when school started. If you got holes in them, it was your own fault- stop scuffing them up / be more careful with your things. and you will wait till school starts again. There just wasn’t money to replace them. 7 kids lots of shoes. I had a lack mentality with just a little spark of something. Just a tiny spark. I didn’t know what it was, but it was strong. I often shared what I had with the littles. I wanted more, better. I always wanted all of us to have more. Not just me. I never dreamed of being wealthy, I just dreamed not be poor. I didn’t feel worthy of much more than just enough. Even at that, I was often told I was a dreamer- as if that were a bad thing. I don’t buy that idea anymore. So now I say; Well no- now I YELL from the mountain tops- and as often as possible, THANK YOU, GOD, for making me a dreamer! Thank you, thank you FOR THE DREAMS YOU PUT IN MY HEART! So I encourage you to dream big, but be ready for the fight. You will encounter resistance. – the push back. At least I always do, so be ready. I started out being able to make plans and take a step in courage, at such a young age. What changed? Why am I scared to make a move now? I have come so far. Yet still met with resistance. I am scared. I don’t know how. I am afraid of failure, afraid of rejection. I have grown in so many ways. I have many wins under my belt. Why is it that every time I make a plan to move up, to move forward, move on or to take on a big project or start something new- I am met with resistance of some kind? Every stinking time! It’s because I am human. We are all hard wired the same way. Remember - Resistance is anything that is trying to hold you down or hold you back. It is Fear It is the ego’s attempt to keep you in the valley. The ego’s job is to keep you stuck where you are at. It happens so often I should be used to it. It makes me crazy that I am not over it yet. I should expect it, I should be ready. But I’m not. Anything can trigger the ego and it can be little thing like making a commitment to going walking every night or starting a diet; to looking for a new job. Maybe just getting up when the alarm goes off, without pushing the snooze, so you don’t have to rush every day. Maybe making a call you need to make or writing a thank you note. The ego wants us to put it off. I’ll start tomorrow, I don’t feel that great today. They probably aren’t home… whatever the excuse is, it’s nonsense… Because it’s just an excuse. Procrastination – Hesitation – Resistance Just saying that you are going to do something and putting it off is resistance. Now your ego has something on you. It will beat you down. Let’s say it’s a phone call you need to make. We’ll say it’s Tuesday night. “Shoot, I was supposed to call today and now it’s already 7pm.” Ego -It’s a little late to call now, better do it tomorrow morning. Wednesday morning – Oh I have so much to do today. I’ll have to do it in a while. Ego- yes you should have called last night, but you can do it later Next thing you know it’s Wednesday and still, no call. Ego- Oh, you are such a flake, why do you procrastinate? Now you look stupid, just bite the bullet and make the call. Get it over with- Nah, it’s too late now, I will do it in the morning. Sound familiar? It’s crazy how we do things like that to ourselves. Resistance. But remember we are human. And the egos job is to keep us locked up. It activates our programs to set off our alarm system and create the stress loop. It doesn’t want us to change. My solution to the craziness of being stuck: Keep my eye on the prize- I have my goal in the front of my Monday Make a list of the things I need to do to achieve the outcome I am looking for Make smaller lists What do I need to do this month? What do I need to do this week to set myself up for success? What can I do today? DO IT! 😊 I know it seems simple; it isn’t. You will have a million excuses not to do the little things. I encourage you to take little steps, they will lead to great success! Reach out if you need help!