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  • Love - Purpose Archetypes

    The Stress Mastery Love Purpose: AIM: To Expand Unconditional Love Pendulum Swing can travel up to 150-Anger or down to 75-Grief Energy or both and settling in 30-Guilt Love Purpose Characteristics The Love Purpose archetype is important to the tribe as they were healers and soothers of the soul. The Love Purpose were not merely healers of tribe members but healers of all that is living including plants and animals. Healing came in through teaching and helping tribe members to understand their pain. The Love Purpose is one of the higher energy purposes that could heal body and mind as the tribe went through the natural growth process of expansion that would evolve into the world we live in today. When connected to Heart- Motivated Behavior: to Create Affection When the Love Purpose archetype is connected to the Green Zone and Heart they are caring, loving, and easily connected to others. They are healers and teachers of all living entities and carry the 500-Love Energy that brings a serenity and tranquility that can help others to get out of the Red Zone and connect into the Green Zone. The Love Purpose archetype truly cares about, people and planet and they bring an equilibrium to the tribe. They can be in any job or profession, but their focus will be healing whether it is a person, plant or animal, the planet or an organization, the Love Purpose brings a special energy. When disconnected from Heart-Indifference (where they can show a lack of concern or sympathy.) When the Love Purpose pendulum swings into the Red Zone, it would seem they would swing in with hate, but this is not the case, when they swing it comes from indifference. The definition of indifference is lack of interest, concern, or sympathy. In the Red Zone the Love Purpose archetype basically shuts down. We can see this in teachers and medical professionals who no longer care. When the Love Purpose becomes indifferent, they enter the Red zone either 150-Anger where they are upset at the injustice of it all, or they fall and enter 75-Grief where they become disappointed and dejected. In the Red Zone the Love Purpose is cut off from the astounding energy that they were born into. Overview The Love Purpose archetype feels the need to protect and heal people. Consequently, they offer nurturing protection to those around them. They want to protect people from harm, discomfort and attempt to prevent any danger or risk from threatening their wellbeing and happiness. The negative side of the Love Purpose archetype is where indifference causes them to become a martyr who reminds everybody of the sacrifice, they have given for everyone else. The Love Purpose archetype can function today as health care providers of any practice and discipline. They can range from being a heart surgeon to a massage therapist to an energy healer. They can also be veterinarians, gardeners, teachers, coaches, therapists or a, nun in the convent. In organizations they may be in human resources, or trainers, an executive or the secretary that brings up the energy. ********** Understanding your purpose helps you understand why you behave, react, and feel the way you do. Understanding another’s purpose will help you understand how to communicate and interact with other people in our lives with compassion and empathy. .

  • Inspire - Purpose Archetypes

    The Stress Mastery Inspire Purpose AIM: To Expand Vision Pendulum Swing 50-Apathy Energy this is a low swing that can create depression falling into 30-Guilt or lower- Shame Inspire Purpose Characteristics The Inspire Purpose archetype has the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. There are times you may be stuck in some life situation when suddenly, an individual will come along with a creative solution to the issue, this is the Inspire Purpose. The Inspire Purpose is creative in the way they think and perceive things. They are brilliant in the arts, and they can inspire us to wake up and find the Heart connection by expanding our vision in how we view the world. The Inspire Purpose can deliver their message thru art, music, written word, even acting on the movie screen. Throughout history the Inspire Purpose has motivated the tribe to rise up with creative solutions to all types of situations. When connected to Heart- Motivated behavior: To Evoke Recognition When connected to Heart the Inspire Purpose archetype is creative often times to a genius level. The Inspire Purpose archetype is an artist but not always what we would consider a traditional artist, although many times they are. No, they create solutions and identify things on a different level that it makes their work look like its art. The Inspire Purpose lives from their gut thus need connection of the three brains, Head-Heart-Hand, so they have the ability express their unique messages from that centered space, even when the message may be controversial. When disconnected from Heart- Tendency to Become Overwhelmed Because the Inspire Purpose operates from a gut level, when they become disconnected from the Heart, they have a very low swing into the Red Zone. When the Inspire Purpose becomes overwhelmed, they enter in 50-Apathy Energy where they feel stuck and unfocused. Due to such a low swinging pendulum they often times will drop down to the Shame Energy where they feel empty and there is no way out. In this space the Inspire Purpose may resort to drugs, alcohol, self-medicating their need to find and or feel inspiration. The Inspire Purpose many times becomes passive-aggressive when in the Red Zone and can easily go into a depressive state. Overview The Inspire Purpose has a profound desire for freedom because they love innovation. They love to transform things in order to create something completely new. The Inspire Purpose archetype is valuable in today’s much more complicated workplace as creative solutions to old problems are key for a company’s survival. They are clever, non-conformist, and self-sufficient. They’re imaginative and good-humored. Their pendulum swing is into a very low apathy energy where they can become inconsistent and spend more time thinking than actually doing. They are brilliant at showing the world one face while wearing another behind closed doors. Robin William was an Inspire Purpose. The obvious Inspire Purpose archetypes are in the arts including musicians, artists, computer developers, writers, entertainers, entrepreneurs. ********** Understanding your purpose helps you understand why you behave, react, and feel the way you do. Understanding another’s purpose will help us understand how to communicate and interact with other people in our lives with compassion and empathy.

  • Freedom - Purpose Archetypes

    The Stress Mastery Freedom Purpose AIM: To Expand Possibilities Pendulum Swing 125-Desire Energy in most cases gets stuck here for a considerable amount of time then experience a hard strong drop to 30-Guilt. Freedom Purpose Characteristics The Freedom Purpose archetype is important to the tribe as they were the ones who managed and basically directed the tribe. The Freedom Purpose is about creating freedom for the tribe and the individuals they may serve. Many successful people have a Freedom Purpose archetype behind the scenes making everything, work so they and the organization look good. When connected to Heart- Motivated Behavior: To Create Control When the Freedom Purpose is connected to the Green Zone and Heart they work and play in a high energy and perform whatever task that is before them meticulously. They brought systems to the tribe to organize the unit and prevent chaos. The Freedom Purpose archetype manages groups, ideas, projects, family, etc. with the sole mission to prevent chaos. The Freedom Purpose archetype is here to bring freedom to the operation of the tribe but also freedom to themselves. They are all about quality before quantity to put the best work and actions forward. When disconnected from Heart-Stuck in Control When the Freedom Purpose falls into the Red Zone and disconnects from the Heart, they enter the Red Zone energies in the 125-Desire usually in frustration. The pendulum swing is connected to a very strong WANT to Control. They will stay in the Desire energy frustrated, driven, obsessed in attempting to control the situation or person. This act causes disarray and creates the opposite result the Freedom Purpose is here to prevent, chaos and disorder. The Freedom Purpose archetype will spend significant time when disconnected in the 125-Desire, but will eventually climb to 150-Anger, 175-Pride, and after creating chaos will fall to 50-Apathy, 30-Guilt. Overview The Freedom Purpose archetype is in every organization, they will be in a position of authority and direct teams. They are the classic leader and believe they should be the one to bring order to any situation. The Freedom Purpose is stable, strives for excellence, and wants everyone to follow their lead. The Freedom Purpose likes being around people, loves meetings, thrives in groups, relationships are important. As long as they are connected to Heart they are loving, when disconnected they can be controlling and overbearing creating chaos with everyone and everything. They tend to have plenty of reasons why everyone should listen to them and in their desire (Control) to impose their will on others, can easily become an intimidator to impose their will. When we speak about organizations you must realize the family is an organization and the Freedom Purpose archetype will naturally organize the family. The Freedom Purpose archetype can become excellent salespeople, entrepreneurs, managers, as workers they will be very organized in their tasks. ********** Understanding your purpose helps you understand why you behave, react, and feel the way you do. Understanding another’s purpose will help us understand how to communicate and interact with other people in our lives with compassion and empathy.

  • Integrity - Purpose Archetypes

    The Stress Mastery Integrity Purpose AIM to Expand Action Pendulum Swing can travel up to 150-Anger, 175-Pride or down to 30-Guilt Energy Integrity Purpose Characteristics: The Integrity Purpose archetype played an important role in protecting the tribe and its culture. The rules were set within the tribe and it is the role of the Integrity Purpose to enforce these rules. The Integrity Purpose lives by a code and that code is what they lived for. The Integrity Purpose worked out of the 200-Courage Energy where they were alert, focused, and set initiative on following the guidelines set forth within the tribe. When connected to Heart- Motivated Behavior: To Create Honor When the Integrity Purpose archetype is in the Green Zone and connected to Heart, they worked in the 200-Courage Energy. When connected they, are focused on the order of things and they are strong and confident in whatever they are doing. When connected the Integrity Purpose is honorable and will rarely bend the rules although they are very aware if the rules do not serve the whole. This is when the Integrity Purpose may take a stand and become a spoken leader of injustice. The Integrity archetype is trustworthy and when connected they will always do what they say they are going to do. When disconnected from Heart-Divided When the Integrity Purpose archetype questions their mission or work, they will become divided. Fiercely purposeful and honorable they perceive truth in their environment and when this truth divides them, they will swing into the Red Zone. When they fall into the Red Zone, they can enter high through 150-Anger where they are resistant and defiant to what is taking place in the environment. This will usually draw them into a strong aggressive energy that will take them into the 175-Pride Energy. Here they can become righteous and closed, but eventually because of their purpose will fall to 30-Guilt Energy. In some cases, the Integrity Purpose archetype may fall into the Red Zone straight to the 30-Guilt Energy. If this is not remedied, they will fall into Shame and depression which they may deal with through self-medicating resulting in addiction of some type. Overview The Integrity Purpose archetype believe they have a special view of the way the tribe functions. They understand why some information should be preserved and the fact that not everyone should have access to it. The Integrity Purpose defends the ethics, rules, culture and will step forward on behalf and protect their people. The negative aspect of the Integrity Purpose archetype is their unwillingness to compromise. They perceive the value of preserving the past and protecting the social structure and can be blind to change. The Integrity Purpose can be challenged in relationships as they can be closed and not open to growth and change which is inevitable in all aspects of life. The Integrity Purpose grows by learning that through compromise and change they expand the environment and their world. In today’s world the Integrity Purpose will work in some type of profession that is designed to uphold rules and for the betterment and safety of the tribe. First responders like police officers, firefighters can fall into this category. But the Integrity Purpose archetype could be a company or office manager, soldier, referee, anywhere that rules and honor is a code. ********** Understanding your purpose helps you understand why you behave, react, and feel the way you do. Understanding another’s purpose will help us understand how to communicate and interact with other people in our lives with compassion and empathy.

  • Growth - Purpose Archetypes

    The Stress Mastery Growth Purpose: AIM to Expand the Culture. Pendulum Swing 100-Fear Energy they then swing up to 175-Pride Energy or down to 30-Guilt Energy Growth Purpose Characteristics The Growth Purpose stands apart from the others. It is the Growth Purpose that would break us free from living as gatherer-hunters and transition the tribe into the agriculture age, the industrial age and today’s modern computer age. The Growth Purpose lives outside the tribal thinking and are considered outliers. While our early ancestors of the tribe would do dances and pray to the gods for rain, the Growth Purpose would be looking for ways to manipulate and control water for tribal use. Today, we have electricity, automobiles, air travel, space stations, internet, and world-wide communication and connection because of the Growth Purpose. Connected to Heart: Motivated Behavior to Overcome Obstacles When connected to the heart Growth Purpose archetype is a master of imagination. They can take an idea and craft it into a fact, the idea then is manifested and becomes part of our world. The Growth Purpose archetype is intelligent and no matter what field they may enter they will change or enhance the work. They are brilliant at picturing solutions that make things easier for the tribe as a whole. Disconnected from Heart-Tendency to Become Condescending When disconnected from Heart the Growth Purpose has a wild swing of the pendulum into the Red Zone. When swinging into the Red Zone they will enter through the 100-Fear Energy, then depending on what program is triggered they can swing to 175-Pride or fall to 30-Guilt and even to the Shame Energy. The Growth Purpose has another quality that sets them apart, they are comfortable outside the comfort zone. In other words, they are comfortable outside the rituals and beliefs of the tribe. This can make for a lonely place to exist as they do not seem to fit-in this can cause depression. When disconnected the Growth Purpose is a challenging individual to deal with as they develop narcissism and or become passive aggressive in nature. Overview The Growth Purpose is a transgressor. They can provoke people and don’t care at all about other people’s opinions. Consequently, they like going against the grain and thinking for themselves. They don’t like to be pressured or influenced. The negative side of the Growth Purpose archetype is they can become self-destructive. They may develop issues with relationships to others as they get stuck in their head and don’t communicate what they are thinking or feeling, their intelligence often renders them to assume people are slow or even stupid. The positive side of the Growth Purpose is they expand any culture they reside by their amazing ability to imagine all possibilities even when reality says this is impossible. The Growth Purpose can be found in every field, but they stand out as entrepreneurs, inventors, and great thinkers. The Growth Purpose Archetypes like Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla, had rather tragic lives if you take a close look. Yet, Bill Gates is changing the world. ********** Understanding your purpose helps you understand why you behave and feel the way you do. Understanding another’s purpose will help us understand how to communicate and interact with other people in our lives with compassion and empathy.

  • Joy - Purpose Archetypes

    The Stress Mastery Joy Purpose AIM: to Expand Happiness Pendulum Swing is low into 75-Grief Energy with a quick fall into 50-Apathy finally settling in 30-Guilt or lower Shame. Joy Purpose Characteristics The Joy Purpose archetype is essential to the tribe’s function and operation. The Joy Purpose is one of the higher energy purposes, 540-Joy. The Joy Purpose operated within the tribe with an energy of being centered and connected to the whole of the tribe. They functioned in all capacities which could range from being a gatherer and picking berries or hunter bringing in joy when things would get bleak. The Joy Purpose were the uncomplaining workers of the tribe. Joy Purpose connects well with the Growth Purpose as they rarely take the bluntness of the Growth archetype personally. When connected to Heart- Motivated Behavior: To Create Radiance When the Joy Purpose archetype is connected to the Green Zone and Heart, they bring in a feeling of oneness with whatever they are doing and who they are with. The Joy Purpose is a high energy, 540-Joy, that when connected helps them to be centered and helps others to center on the task at hand. When connected the Joy Purpose archetype will do whatever they are doing without complaint. They bring a sense of well-being to whatever environment they are in. The Joy Purpose is very good at helping others find connection to their purpose as they don’t feed the Red Zone energy. When disconnected from Heart- Become Detached When the Joy Purpose archetype becomes disconnected from Heart and swings into the Red Zone, they will have a strong fall from their natural high energy to the 75-Grief Energy. Much like the Inspire Purpose, the Joy Purpose archetype enters the Red Zone at low energies that will drop. If they remain in the Red Zone, they will fall to 50-Apathy, they feel lost, to 30-Guilt, they feel hopeless, to Shame where they feel empty, which can lead to addiction of all kinds in attempt to escape. Even if the Joy Purpose archetype becomes angry, they will fall quickly into grief for the simple reason they are naturally such a high energy purpose. Overview The Joy Purpose archetype likes to laugh and bring joy to whatever environment they are inhabiting. They will motivate you to see the bright side of things by changing your perspective of what your perception may be. They don’t care for facades and tend to break down other people’s walls. They never take themselves too seriously because their goal is to bring Joy. The negative side of the Joy Purpose archetype is when they feel detached, they can be rude, lazy, and materialistic. In today’s world the Joy Purpose functions in all capacities. It is not what they do but how they do things. They need an environment where they are appreciated, and they must enjoy those they work with as much as they enjoy the tasks at hand. Joy Purpose become enthusiastic motivators as it is natural for them, they are excellent workers, friends, partners, when connected. When disconnected they can drain all their environments of joy as they become depressed. ********** Understanding your purpose helps you understand why you behave, react, and feel the way you do. Understanding another’s purpose will help us understand how to communicate and interact with other people in our lives with compassion and empathy.

  • Connection - Purpose Archetypes

    The Stress Mastery Connection Purpose Aim: To expand togetherness Pendulum Swing: Aloofness (High Red Zone, 175-Pride) Connection Purpose Characteristics: In the hunter-gatherer tribe: Were important for communication of the tribe and getting proper tribe members together for mission/function of the tribe. Had an uncanny ability to connect the Growth Purpose to the whole of the tribe and were the reason that tribe leaders would act on the wisdom of the Growth Purpose, and their ideas, which were outside the beliefs chiefly held. When connected to the heart- Motivated Behavior: To Create inter-relations Have a sense of clarity of what will work for them as an individual and the tribe as a whole. Create connected relationships. True to themselves and their growth and all those they interact with daily. Distinguish truth while others are in a façade. When disconnected: Tend to Become Aloof Will go within and become defiant/build resentment that can explode as hatred in future. Will cut off all contact with individuals, either physically or mentally. Might not voice their opinion while in the red zone and simply tolerate the person/situation yet, make no mistake, they are disconnected!! Might also cease self-care. Overview All about connection to others, connecting others and connecting clarity of ideas & vision. Have solid qualities, and a lack of deception and acceptance of others is a natural virtue as they are trustworthy, friendly, understanding and inviting. Can become withdrawn if feel they are not valued and is essential, they value themselves. A daily self-care ritual is necessary (taking care of both body & mastering the mind) because must be connected to feel alive. An unbalanced body and the ego will disrupt the connection and their Purpose. Biggest asset is ability to see what others do not comprehend including minor issues that have yet to become significant problems. Work very well with Growth & Vitality Purposes, as these are two of the weakest regarding relationships and connection. ********** Understanding your purpose helps you understand why you behave, react, and feel the way you do. Understanding another’s purpose will help you understand how to communicate and interact with other people in our lives with compassion and empathy.

  • Courage - Purpose Archetypes

    The Stress Mastery Courage Purpose AIM: to Expand Strength Pendulum Swing can travel up to 125-Desire raising to 75-Pride or down to 30-Guilt Courage Purpose Characteristics: The Courage Purpose archetype is essential within the tribe as they were usually the hunters and warriors of the tribe. They were the ones that put their lives on the line to protect the tribe. The Courage Purpose archetype lives for the adrenaline rush of stepping outside the tribe and taking up the hunt. They also were rooted in the purpose of the mission of the tribe’s survival. They lived in the 200-Courage Energy that created focus, strength, and initiative of the mission. When connected to Heart- Motivated Behavior: To Create Resolution When the Courage Purpose archetype is connected to the Green Zone and Heart, they live in the focus energy of the mission. They are strong and contented when fulfilling that mission and this will show in their bravery of action. The Courage Purpose archetype when connected will do whatever it takes to fulfill their mission without regards of their own life. Whether this mission is to go to war or climb a mountain, the Courage Purpose is about stepping outside the norms of the tribe to be the example of what can be done. When disconnected from Heart-May become Fearful The Courage Purpose archetype is born to live on the edge, whether this edge is launching a risky business venture, or jumping a motorcycle over 15 buses or being part of a Seal Team, they are comfortable in the most uncomfortable situations and environment. When the Courage Purpose archetype swings into the Red Zone it is through the 100-Fear Energy. They become anxious, even terrified of their roles and this creates doubt in who they are. When entering the Red Zone through the 100-Fear Energy they will either swing up into 175-Pride Energy and become smug and closed. Or they will fall to the low energy of 50-Apathy, where they believe they can’t perform and then drop to 30-Guilt Energy, where they feel like a loser and demoralized. Even if they swing into pride, they will always eventually drop into the guilt energy, even if they hide this from public view. When a Courage Purpose is disconnected, they will feel dead inside and, in many cases, the only time the Courage Purpose archetype will only be in the Green Zone and connected when they are in a high adrenaline situation. Overview The alignment of the Courage Purpose archetype entire life is influence. The Courage Purpose has an uncommon vitality and resistance that they used to fight for power or honor. The best soldiers which comprise special forces will be made up of Courage Purpose archetypes. Understand it is not only the adrenaline of risking life, it can money and gambling on a big score, it can be relationships and cheating for the thrill. They want to win and will do anything to avoid losing. The negative and positive attribute of the Courage Purpose archetype is they never give up, yet this can lead to becoming overly ambitious and stuck in the WANT of control. In today’s world the Courage Purpose can be in any field. They may have an uninspiring normal job, but their hobbies will be built for them to take risk and get the adrenaline they need to compete to feel alive. The Courage Purpose serves us in many ways from protecting us to entertaining us. ***************** Understanding your purpose helps you understand why you behave, react, and feel the way you do. Understanding another’s purpose will help us understand how to communicate and interact with other people in our lives with compassion and empathy.

  • Relationships

    I don’t have relationships figured out – yet. I am still planning to get it right. I just haven't yet. I have learned a few things I can say for sure and number one is: Don’t stay in an abusive relationship. It doesn’t matter if it is physical, mental or emotional abuse. It probably will not get better. Believe me I am guilty of staying far too long! Most people don’t change. I believe in commitment. I do. But you are not a doormat. Your partner should lift you up. Encourage you and catch you when you fall. That is the MINIMUM. If you are doing all the catching, the giving the loving; get out! Of course, we all make sacrifices for our relationships. But not all the sacrifices. What are they doing for you? If you put their needs first, and they put their needs first; where does that leave you? On the bottom, and if that is frequently what happens in one sided partnerships. You need to figure out if this relationship is serving you. Does it meet your needs? If it doesn’t you need to put yourself first, find your courage and go. They do not deserve you. You are amazing! What’s most important to you? For me, relationships, hands down. It is people, simple as that, to love and be loved. Connection to friends and family. What else are we here for? It can’t be the fame, the job, the house or a fancy car. It is so much more that stuff. I know those things matter, but c’mon. Aren’t those things just the icing on the cake? The love is the cake, right? I don’t know what comes to mind first for you when you’re asked the question. But I hope that whatever it is, that there, is where you spend the majority of your energy. I can’t say that that has always been true for me in the past. Most of my adult life I was a single mother. My kids, their happiness, education and just the basic food, shelter and clothing, was the most important thing to me. Sometimes we had a lot and sometimes we had little. I wish them feeling my love would have always been number one. It wasn’t. Before my husband and I broke up I had never really had a job. I was married at 18. I was raised to be a housewife and I was a good one. He had a descent job and I babysat other kids so that I could be home with my own. This was a problem when we divorced because he did not pay the court-ordered child support. Welfare is never an option in our family. We were raised to work and work hard, but I had no idea what to do to make money. I didn’t want to babysit anymore. I didn’t want to be home all day everyday with kids and no adults. Somehow that felt like I was trying to be a house wife, with no husband. I decided to figure out how to support myself. So, I did. Coming out of that awful marriage I had just about no self-worth and very little self-esteem. I stayed far too long in that relationship with my husband. He beat me and belittled me for years and I stayed. He was an alcoholic and drug addict, and still I stayed. Always hoping he’d change. Always willing to pussy-foot so I wouldn’t set him off. When it was over, and he finally left me, I wondered if I’d ever get my ‘self’ back. I still don’t know why I gave so much. I assume that even back then the marriage, the relationship, was the most important thing to me. But now, working and supporting these children on my own had to become my number one focus. It was for years. I tried one thing after another. Fortunately for me, I love everything and I am pretty good at lots of stuff. I was young and full of creative energy. I met lots of people and made friends easily. And God always blesses me. He puts the right people in the right place at the right time. I generally live life in a series of fortunate events. I try not to let things ger me down. I believe the best is yet to come. I plan on good things happening to me, because they always do. When one door closes another one opens. I have always made do with what I have. Life has worked well for me, because I was willing to try the next thing. No risk, no reward. So what does this have to do with relationships? Everything. I have three children. Melissa, Tyler and Kimberly. The oldest two, had a very similar upbringing. They were moved from place to place when they were young. After all, we moved from the house with their father to my friend’s attic for 4 months. Then we moved to downtown Portland to the top of the nicest condo’s in the city at the time. I cooked and cleaned for room and board + gas and $500 month. After about 6 months of that we got an apartment for a while. But then I was able to buy a house for us. I probably promised we would stay put. No more moving, I knew Melissa didn’t like change. Unfortunately, this guy I had been seeing started stalking me and I got too scared to live there. So, back to the apartment until I was able to sell that house and buy a new one. We finally had a home we loved and we lived there for many years. But here’s the thing; Melissa hates to move, she always has. My kids did go to several different schools over those first few years. I saw it as doing the best I could do. She saw that as a kind of abuse. She believes I needed to stay put for their sake. She is still resentful for her childhood and the mistakes she believes I made. Tyler, he’s a different story. He doesn’t see that as abuse. He doesn’t think back and see it caused any harm. He is a very happy and well-adjusted man. Every person is different and thus, every relationship is different. What works for one person doesn’t work for another. I guess that why we get along so differently with some than others. Tyler, is very much like me and he is always for me. He see’s me and understands me. I’ve always seen Kimberly as a mix of the other two. She is not harsh like Melissa nor is she completely understanding like Tyler. She always either comes around or forgives me. Kimberly could be very mad at me for the same reasons Melissa is. Although we didn’t move a lot, I worked a lot. I was buried alive in my agency. A workaholic, I guess. I didn’t go out socially or anything, I just worked too much. I was not there for her when she needed me. All the while, she was probably the best friend I had for those years. I relied on her too much, she was still just a kid. For that I am truly sorry. If there was something I could re-do, it would be that. She has done her best to forgive me. We are very close as well. I am 60 years old and I’ve finally put in the time it takes to develop a healthy and honest relationship with myself. I wish I’d have done that a long time ago. But I didn’t. I didnt know how. I had no idea how important it is. I don’t live with regret. I let stuff go. Although I am not proud of it, I freely admit I gave up a lot of my time on other things. Time that could have been giving to my kids, especially when I first divorced. I know I could have done better. I was a lost soul back then. I married so young, and gave so much to that relationship, I honestly didn’t know who I was. I actually was afraid I couldn’t live without him. I didn’t have a clue where to start. So here I am, after all these years and too many relationships to count, realizing that where you put your energy, your time and your talent means everything. I know you have to be a friend to have friend. You get out what you put in, and all the other cliches. But I didn’t always follow that advise. I am playing catch-up now. I have a good relationship with all three kids, my two grandchildren, two sisters and a brother. I have my best friend, Shelly; I talk to most every day and several other close friends. It takes time to nurture and grow these relationships. For me, it is time well spent. I do have another brother and sister who are so deep in their addictions that I believe they are not mentally capable of having a true relationship at this time. I have tried to be there for them, but it is very hard. The door is still wide open on my side. I love them both very much. So, what’s most important to you? Do you show it in your words and deeds? You only have so much time, talent and resources. Don’t waste them like I often did. I remember this old preacher who said “show me your checkbook and I will tell you what you value in your life.” I think that is very true for most of us. Where your time money and energy go- there you are. If I look at my money, it goes to plane tickets to visit my family. I love inviting people to share a meal. People bond while breaking bread together and I love to cook.

  • Personal Development

    This is a life changing practice I use daily. Really, I literally never miss. Best way to start the day! 😊 This comes straight from Bill Cortright – check him out, he is amazing Green Focus Power Hour (GFPH) Each exercise is done for ten minutes. When the timer sounds move to the next. Do not dwell on the previous exercise of where you may have left off or may have built some momentum simply move to the next. 1. Read: To create change and create the life we want we must program our computer (subconscious) with good data and content that expands and stretches our comfort zone. To live in expansion and Growth we must maintain flow. Mental Flow is blocked when we get stuck in old knowledge and fail to introduce new experiences to the mind. Read books of development in whatever area you are looking to expand in. Personal growth, biographies, philosophy, spirituality, etc. 10 minutes 2. Journal: Th act of writing connects the Head and Heart, Mind and Body; it is a neuro-psycho activity. When we write we release pent-up energy of the Cage Mind, and this moves the nervous system out of the Red Zone into the Green Zone. The simple process of writing releases the energy of the activated program. This keeps Emotional Flow open. It doesn’t matter what you write about; it can be about something that you are working to let go, or it can be what is taking place in your life story. You can write about the lessons you are learning or write a letter to God. Set up a special journal for your GFPH and Shift Coaching 10 minutes 3. Affirmations: Every word we speak is a direct command from the conscious to the subconscious mind. Repeating a set statement plants deep seeds into the subconscious programming. These statements of affirming will become behaviors of action. Affirmations are also a way of canceling the Ego when it is in a negative state of Event-Judgement-Reaction. By consciously repeating a statement of growth and expansion you take conscious mind control and control of the input of the subconscious mind. This keeps the Cultural Flow open. Affirmation Part One- The S L O W – D O W N Technique Repeat the phrase S L O W – D O W N by drawing both words out slowly and deliberately. Take a breath and say Slowwww Downnnn. Repeat this statement 5 or 6 times. This process will activate the vagus nerve and connect Mind-Body, Body-Mind. Affirmation Part Two- Powerful statement Here you can repeat any powerful statement that you desire to turn into a program for behavior. You must stay with the statement for a minimum of thirty days. The following is the affirmation I give to all my coaching clients, as it is a complete statement of truth. Repeat it slowly, with attention in the present moment. Repeat the statement over and over until the timer goes off. Also, you can use this throughout the day. “I AM whole, perfect, powerful, strong, I AM loving, harmonious, and happy… I AM Free. I AM Free. I AM Free.” 10 Minutes 4. Visualization: The Law of Mind is powerful and always in play: What you think you create, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you become. The first two parts of the law is the mind-body connection of the Cage Mind; the third part is the imagination of the Creation Mind. In Quantum Theory, all things in life are created and manifested in the zero-point field. This field is interacted through what we hold in mind. Visualization is the power tool for this interaction and is the base exercise in setting Identity-Based Goals. This keeps the Social Flow open. Create a movie of a day in your life five years from now. Write this out on paper in detail. When you first start this exercise have the paper handy. Include as many of the Five Life Categories as you can. Watch yourself going through this day in your future life. What are you wearing? What kind of shape are you in? How much money is in your accounts? What are you driving? Who is collaborating with you? How do you interact in your relationships? How are you feeling? Make sure you are connecting to the tool of Gratitude held in Creation Mind. Relax and really enjoy this process. There will come a time when you can close your eyes and see your future. 10 minutes 5. Meditate: This exercise is an introduction to meditation. The next step of Stress Mastery expands meditation, but in the beginning, when one is moving from Stage Three (Socialized Mind) into Stage Four (Self-Authoring Mind), the key to meditating is consistency. It can also be a very disruptive exercise at first, so the key is to just do it until the timer sounds. This keeps the Whole of Flow open. The Practice Simply, sit up tall with a straight back in a chair or, if you desire, cross-legged or in lotus position on the floor. Take a deep breath to a slow count of ten and then hold the breath for a count of ten, and finally release the breath to a slow count of ten. REPEAT this 3-4 times and sit quietly and observe the breath. Then, as you breathe in, mentally say to yourself SOOOO and as you breathe out mentally repeat HUMMMM. Do this until the timer goes off. If the Ego steals the conscious mind and you get caught in thoughts simply return to the SOOO-HUM mantra. 10 minutes Instead of SOOOO- HUMMMM , BEEEE – STILLLLLL. This is how I keep my connection to God. Start somewhere and you find what works for you too. 6. Exercise/Move: There are no rules here. Do something for ten-minutes or more. You can go for a walk or just jog in place. You can do push-ups, yoga; stretch or just jump up and down. I have several clients who head to the gym or hit trail for their daily workout. There is no wrong movement, but it needs to be at least ten-minutes. This final exercise solidifies the Green Zone and sets your day up for success. 10 minutes I encourage you to start your day with this. I do this before I look at my calendar, check my email or my text messages. Start with this. The rest of the world will distract you, this will actually ground you. It works.

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