A super simple recipe for my favorite Shrimp Tacos...
Chicken Broth, Olive Oil or Butter
Lemon or Lime Juice
Old Bay Seasoning
Corn Tortillas
Chipotle Peppers
Pico de Gallo
In a warm pan, sauté the garlic with chicken broth, olive oil or butter. I personally use chicken broth for flavor. Sprinkle in salt, pepper, and old bay seasoning.
Cook the shrimp in the pan with garlic and squeeze some lemon or lime juice on top. The shrimp cooks in just a few minutes, about three minutes on each side.
While the shrimp is cooking, heat up your tortillas in a separate pan.
In a bowl, mix mayonnaise with the chipotle peppers.
Spread the mayonnaise mixture on a heated tortilla
Add your shrimp to the tortilla
Top your taco with cabbage, pico de gallo, cheese if you like and any other garnishes
Eat on Purpose,
Peggy Romero